About Us
Since our founding, we have designed our vision and
missions under sustainability guidance and mentality.
We integrated nature, social and economic sectors as

SA SpaceTech is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by way of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Since our founding, we have designed our vision and missions under sustainability guidance and mentality. We integrated nature, social and economic sectors as a chain for sustainability. We believe that people must enjoy abundant wildlife, access to clean air, water and sanitation, quality healthcare and education and safety. We did not want to sit back and point fingers to Government and different institutions funded to pursue this desired outcome but want to be directly involved in making change to the South African sustainable development by taking advantage of the space technology and associated benefits.
We also inspire youth into the purpose of explorations and earth observation to bring solutions in the world and in reaching 2030 agenda the sustainable development goals.
Our work at
a glance

The sky is the limit for future generations
We endeavour to create opportunities for young people to empowered to apply space technology problem solving and collaboration
Numbers Speak for Themselves
The SA Space Technology for Sustainable Development Foundation has initiated and executed a number of programmes in partnership with public and private stakeholders
This is a powerful innovation concept that can be cascaded to different provinces where it can end up bridging the gap between SANSA, funded entities and the community in a manner that will see them participating in resolving societal challenges and democratising the space technology. The Department of science and technology will pride itself to this because it will reach the unreachable particularly rural areas, against the status quo.